reliablity of automated update script is pretty good now. check the github for updates
add widgets to this index page (eye candy helps people stay on page!)
rework bests to remove data structure limitations of source database
Lots of work to do on meet pages (splits/paces need to be worked on).
SharmaCast™ (Historical weather where available)
Pertaining to meets, there are still some edge cases, the most recent challenge being 2-day long meets, where some events were held on one day. This requires reformatting all of the meet data. Eugh.
The calendar, and the rest of the site could use some styling. Default is ok, but uninspiring.
I am still working out how important mouse hover should be considering mobile use.
What's already working?
All the athlete data has been collected. Each athlete's events are viewable in a fancy segmented table, including some bests in most events. Two charts are being worked on.
The meet data is all collected.
The calendar is really nice, and I'm proud of my work.
The search bar is very quick in suggesting athletes, and they can be selected thru keyboard actions/mouse clicks
What's not working?
Pace/split dropdowns in any given meet
Typing certain characters into the URL for /meet/ and /athlete/ doesn't redirect properly because my attempts at PHP redirects have resulted in accidentally DDOS-ing my own website with recursive header redirects.
What's planned?
Simply put, lots of fancy charts and other ways to filter, organize, and visualize all the data that's been put in.
Caching things that shouldn't be recalculated, but currently are.
Being able to see the same meet but from a year prior or the next year
Being able to quickly view the girls events on a boy's event page (and vice versa), as they're technically stored as different "meets"
Making connections between athletes based on their progression in key events (5k's, for example), and connections based on how many times they've raced with someone else
Being able to compare multiple athletes
A map of all our meet locations.
What's funny and broken?
Check out Christopher Helmer's page and Ty Baskerville's page for some funny errors. I believe the coaches marked the wrong athlete, causing them to run events in 13th grade, and 1th [sic] grade. I am considering making corrections to the data, but I might leave it the way it is.